Tiny Jewel
Snow Bear Village Pattern
Deerly Loved
Sewing Spree
Family Album
Dragon of the Sea Pattern
Petal Dance Pattern
Aquatic Melody Pattern
Summer Sun Pattern
Bees n Peonys Pattern
Farm Windows Pattern
Kentucky Quilt Pattern
Jingle Bells Pattern
$6.14 $8.19
Welcome to the Party!
$8.79 $10.99
Desert Blush
SEW Gnome
Peek-A-Boo Poppies
Quilt Town Pattern
Hats & Shoes & Brooms CD
$12.29 $16.39
Adventure Awaits
$16.42 $21.89
Flowerette Quilt Pattern
$9.59 $12.79
Color Cat
Will E Melt with Buttons
Welcome Friends Wall Hanging Pattern
Pumpkin Patch Stitchery
Welcome To My Garden
$8.24 $10.99
Lacy Valentine Heart
Quilt Stencil Corner / Border
$6.82 $9.09